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host a diaper drive

Let's get started!

diaper icon


baby wearing diaper icon


open hand with heart giving icon


step 1 infographic box


time and location icon

Choose your locations and decide your timeframe. 

  • Pick a centrally located place like a library, school, or local business. 

  • Plan to host your drive a week of longer so people have enough time to donate. 

step 2 infographic box


social media marketing icon

Get the word out through Social Media & Email Marketing

  • Create a Facebook Event, invite friends, share posts and images on social media.

  • WTWF and the National Diaper Bank have graphics you can use in your campaign.

step 3 infographic box


host a diaper drive checklist icon

Diaper Drive Checklist. 

  • Follow our 10-point checklist to ensure you have a successful diaper drive. 

  • Recruit volunteers, decide on a theme, spread the word, collect and deliver diapers.

ready to host a diaper drive? 

We encourage you to contact Walk the Walk Foundation if you are interested in hosting a diaper drive. We can help promote your diaper drive and provide you with resources and promotions.

Download our Diaper Drive Toolkit and Walk the Walk Foundation can help you meet your goals. 

step 4 infographic box


set goal raise money icon

Set Your Diaper Drive Goal!


get involveD AND make a difference

We are always looking for those in our community who want to support our Diapers for Babies program through monetary contributions. We appreciate your generous gift in advance. 

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